Birthright: Battle for the Confederation- Turmoil Read online


  Battle for the Confederation


  Ryan Krauter

  Copyright © 2013 by Ryan Krauter

  Cover art by Ryan Krauter

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Novels by Ryan Krauter


  Birthright Series:





  The Out of Nowhere Series: (Young Adult)

  Out of Nowhere

  Shadow of Doubt

  The Fixer

  My Own Prison (short story)


  I’ve run across many helpful people and communities in my quest to keep the novels rolling. The latest indispensable site has been a Youtube channel and associated blog/site from a fellow named Marty. He has a series of Youtube tutorials on all manner of graphic arts topics; I used his tutorial on creating nebulas to make the background images for this novel’s cover. If you’re looking for some inspiration, go check out his sites!


  As always, my work is dedicated to Krista, Colin, Chase, and Sydney.

  Chapter One

  Merritt and Cory were fidgeting as they made final preparations to their gear for the mission. They stood in the cargo hold of their ship, Pair of Aces, as it sat in a docking bay on Cory's home planet of Lavarra, where they'd been using it as their base of operations for the last few days. Being home brought back a flood of memories for her, most of them pleasant, and as soon as they got this part of their mission finished, the real fun would begin.

  But first, there was business to attend to. This operation had been in the works for months and had required meticulous planning, so there was no way she was going to let this one fall apart. She adjusted her outfit one more time, apparently less than satisfied with the results.

  "Do you think this looks presentable?" she asked Merritt, her fiancee and fellow fighter pilot from Avenger.

  "You could make food wrappers and HazMat gear look good, Sexy," Merritt replied from a few feet away. He was putting the finishing touches on his own getup for the op. It wasn't comfortable, not at all practical, but it was what he needed to wear to sell this mission.

  The cargo hold of Pair of Aces was easily big enough to hold them, their gear, boxes of parts they were using in their ongoing renovation of the ship, and still leave plenty of deck space for workouts and sparring. Merritt crossed the small gap between them and gathered Cory's hands in his own. "You'll do fine," he said sincerely, and she gave him a small smile and kissed him quickly but convincingly.

  "I just wish there was a place to hide my SSK in here," she said in frustration as she looked at herself in a full length mirror.

  "Hey," Merritt replied, "if I don't get to carry my gun, you don't either."

  "Maybe I could fit some throwing knives under my waistband," she muttered absentmindedly.

  "You don't know how to use throwing knives, Honey," Merritt replied.

  She looked back at him and laughed, the tension draining from her. He loved her laugh; it was always honest, right from the gut, and made him smile as well.

  "Alright, then," she said, a measure of resolve in her voice again. She made a final adjustment to Merritt's collar and then declared him ready. "Everybody else is in place by now; there are too many people waiting on us, so we can't screw this up."

  "Ok, just one more kiss for good luck," Merritt said with a grin. "And you better make me believe your mind is in the game."

  Cory stepped into his arms, intensity in her gaze that made the rest of Merritt's world drop away. All he saw was her stunning icy-blue eyes as she leaned in to kiss him, and for the love of the Five Moons of Delos, he believed her mind was in the game.

  "Ok now," Cory said as she backed away before Merritt could try to escalate things. "Time to focus." She fixed him with a serious look, all business. "Ready?"

  "Completely," he said, though his breathing was a bit ragged.

  They walked to the hatch together and Cory tapped the button that released the door. The big cargo door split in two; the top half swung up while the bottom half folded down to the ground, creating a boarding ramp which was also used when the cargo hold was being loaded.

  There were two nondescript rented hovercars waiting for them just inside the hangar bay. They each got into one, and before he brought the vehicle up on its repulsor field, he tossed one more encouraging wave to Cory. "See you soon. They'll never know what hit them when they see you there!"

  They edged out into the ground level traffic lane that circled the small spaceport where the Aces was parked. After confirming that the bay doors closed securely behind them, they both raced off in opposite directions, destined to meet up at the same location minutes later.

  By design, Merritt arrived first. He parked the hovercar in the lot and walked through the manicured park to the meeting place. He had to admit that it was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, a light breeze kept things from getting too hot, and there was some sort of native flower in bloom that scented the air with a relaxing fragrance.

  He continued down a walking path until he saw his destination and the crowd gathered there. Merritt noticed his friend and XO of Avenger, Loren Stone, standing with his wife Cassie. Merritt's section leader from their fighter squadron, Web Exeter, was there with the mysterious SAR operative Halley Pascal as well. They made a perfect couple; both were adventurous and, by the consensus of everyone else, just a little off-kilter. They were perfect for each other.

  "At least you dressed up," Loren said with a smile and handshake as Merritt arrived by them.

  "Cory made various threats, and I suppose I didn't want to find out of she was bluffing about all of them," Merritt replied with a grin. He collected a hug from Cassie. Loren and his wife had been released from the quarantine of the planet Toral a few weeks earlier and had spent the interim traveling together, trying their best to ignore the war and the Primans as they caught up and enjoyed their time with each other.

  "She also complained she couldn't fit any weapons on herself in the dress," Merritt explained soberly.

  "I have a gun and two knives," replied Halley with a straight face. Merritt did a quick and respectful examination of the SAR operative with Web. She was almost Web's height, with hazel eyes and brunette hair that hung to her shoulders. She'd put a little bit of a curl into her hair for the occasion, and as he looked at the simple but fashionable dark blue dress she wore he realized she was as deadly as she as beautiful. He also had no idea where she could have a gun and a pair of knives, but he also knew that she wouldn't lie about that sort of thing.

  Merritt noticed Web holding a small velvet bag and gave him a questioning look.

  "Well," Web began, "doesn't matter where you're from; most wedding traditions include the guests throwing various things as the bride and groom when they've tied the knot."

  Merritt just waited, giving Web the eye until he continued. "So I brought these really nifty little incendiaries," he said excitedly, a gleam in his eyes. "They just make a little flash and a poof, and if we throw enough of them it will look like you're walking on a carpet of anti-aircraft fire," he paused to look at Merritt's face. His friend knew enough to not take that at face value.

  "I fear for what Cory would do to you if that were the case," said Merritt.r />
  "You're right," admitted Web. "It's bird seed. I promise not to throw any at your face."

  Then Merritt noticed Cory's family and his parents, and things got real. His father shook his hand as they met, while his mother gave him a very enthusiastic hug.

  Pleasantries complete, Loren accompanied him to the front of the group where Captain Sirian Elco, their commanding officer and captain of Avenger, was standing ramrod-straight and waiting for them.

  "Beautiful day for a wedding," Elco said as they shook hands warmly. More than a collection of officers, these people had become friends over the course of the year they'd been at war with the Primans. The war in question had stalemated in Confederation territory as the invaders had turned their advance through easier targets, but it was no less pressing or brutal for that.

  "All ready?" Elco asked Merritt.

  "Sure am, Captain," was the confident reply.

  "When are you supposed to go get her?"

  "As soon as she shows up back there," Merritt replied, indicating the rear of the group of seated guests with his chin. "There were so many traditions Cory had to muddle through. Since my parents spent my formative years chasing asteroids with their mobile refineries, I don't have anything I really care to insist on as for the ceremony. Cory's family is a little more traditional. Both our rings are identical and made out of the same block of alloy, that rope thing we'll have draped around our shoulders means something, even the colors of her dress stand for virtue, or virility, or maybe it was fiscal responsibility or the ability to get discounts on groceries." Merritt shrugged. "All I care is we're married when we get out the other side of this thing."

  "Spoken like a true male," Loren said, grinning.

  They heard a soft murmuring go through the crowd and turned to see Cory had arrived. Cory was wearing a simple yellow dress the color of the blooming flowers in the park, with a thin flowing shawl draped over her shoulders. She'd gathered up her sandy blonde hair in a sort of loose updo, with tendrils of her hair escaping from the pile in back as well as a few that framed her face. Merritt's breathing once again became irregular.

  "Um, I think she's waiting for you," Loren whispered and nudged his friend, who was back in action and proudly walked down the center aisle of the groups of chairs to go meet her. They held hands briefly, then turned to face the group of friends and family who had gathered for them.

  Another of the traditions that Cory's family had mentioned was an incredibly old one which stated that the first person to cross into the proceedings was to be the pants-wearer in the family. Couples took pains to meet before the threshold and cross together, signifying an equal partnership, something Cory and Merritt planned to honor.

  There was no music, another custom which said any distractions from the couple or the vows were bad luck. Cory and Merritt simply walked down the aisle together, arm in arm, until they stood before Captain Elco, who had produced a small, old fashioned printed book. Cory draped the other end of the braided rope that hung from her shoulders over Merritt's as they readied themselves.

  Merritt's attire complimented Cory's; he wore dark dress slacks with a suit jacket to match which buttoned up the front almost all the way up to his neck. The short banded collar of the jacket stood up against his neck, and he wore a yellow shirt underneath in the same color as Cory's dress.

  "Merritt Elder, Corinne Sosus," began Captain Elco. He lifted his head to address the people seated behind them. "Honored guests who have gathered to bear witness to this event. We are here to celebrate the bonding of two souls. They have entered this place separate; they will leave as one."

  The script finished, Elco continued. "I have the honor of standing before all of you today to conduct this ceremony between Merritt and Cory, two people whom I know and respect, and call my friends. As the captain of a Confederation ship, I am allowed the responsibility of joining these two people in marriage. This is perhaps one of the greatest benefits of being in such a position, because despite what you've heard, it's not all fun and games being the captain; there's a never ending supply of paperwork, Admirals who want me at their beck and call, and young officers like Commander Stone over there who want my job." Everyone chuckled, especially at those who recognized Loren's embarrassment at the comment. He'd found himself to be the right person in the right place to become the XO of Avenger, but hadn't ever considered that his career path might lead him to the command chair of a starship.

  "But it's all worth it on a day like today. I've seen Merritt and Cory together; surely as night gives way to daytime and then back again, these two are soulmates." He held up the small black book he held in his right hand.

  "This is the genealogical record of the Sosus family, collected for nineteen generations," he continued. "Cory and Merritt will agree to become partners in life, for life, while placing their hands on this book. It signifies the importance and support of the family past, as well as their hopes to continue the family in the future."

  Cory and Merritt placed their hands, hers on top of his, on the weathered old book and looked at each other as Elco continued.

  "Marriage on Lavarra is simple in some ways, complex in others," said Elco. "Simple in that as far as the actual process, there is not much involved. The people here believe marriage is not a rite that requires government, a particular religion, or philosophy. It is but a straightforward agreement between two people to love and stand by each other for the rest of their days. It is complex in all that this agreement implies. There will be good times, and possibly a few scrapes along the way," Elco smiled as a number of older couples in the seats chuckled knowingly. "The joining of two lives is a complex process; Cory and Merritt, along with their families and friends, will make this marriage succeed."

  Elco smiled broadly now as he looked at his own wife in the audience and traded winks. He turned to look at Cory and Merritt.

  "So; Cory, Merritt, there remains only one simple question for you. Do you both promise to love, support, cherish, and understand each other for the rest of your days?"

  "I do," said Cory.

  "I do," added Merritt.

  "Then it is my great honor to pronounce the two of you married on this day." They took their hands off the genealogy book and held each other's, Cory's fine fingers meshing with Merritt's.

  "I believe it is also considered traditional for you to-" Elco began, but Merritt beat him to the punch. He drew Cory to him, put his arm around her waist, dipped her back and kissed her for all he was worth. She in turn threw her arms around his neck and returned the gesture.

  Hoots and hollers erupted from the gathered friends and family, and finally they came up for air. As promised, Web threw bird seed over everyone in the front row.

  The newly married couple faced Captain Elco. Merritt got a firm handshake and a slug on the shoulder, while Cory wrapped the captain up in a great bear hug.

  After that, they made their way to the front row of guests and received brief congratulations from everyone. There would be a small reception in that same park shortly, but it was considered the best of luck if good wishes were made as soon as possible by all those in attendance.

  Loren's wife Cassie stood with him as Cory and Merritt approached. Hugs were traded all around, and for one carefree afternoon nobody worried about the war.

  Avenger hung in orbit above Lavarra in the clutches of the Confederation Navy's Lavarran Armory. It was a large orbiting repair yard that specialized in the manufacture, servicing, storage, and installation of weaponry for Confederation ships. As the Primans had slashed their way through Confed space, the navy had begun dispersing many of the support services required to keep it running. There were a few monster shipyards that were as heavily guarded as the capital system of Delos itself; there were many more smaller facilities scattered through Confed space to reduce the risk of a crushing loss of too much capacity if the Primans managed to take or destroy a system.

  The Lavarra Armory had been in existence for decades, but in the last f
ew months had more than doubled in size. Now, as ships needed weapons refit or torpedoes resupplied, they stopped by a facility like the armory.

  Avenger was there for final replenishment of weapons for herself as well as her fighter squadrons, as well as fitting out a half dozen of her main laser batteries. She was powered down to standby now as final power connections were made in anticipation of a return to active duty in a day or two.

  Cory and Merritt had been planning their wedding to take place during Avenger's two month long refit after the horrendous damage taken during the ambush over the planet Anderson. Interior decks had been rebuilt, the entire port side engine pod had been removed and substituted with another one off a salvaged Crusader that was being torn apart for parts, and plenty of her external armor plates had been replaced. The couple had unexpectedly lucked out when they'd seen the orders for Avenger to make her last stop above Cory's homeworld. They'd quickly adjusted the wedding plans to take place while they were there so her family could attend. What with the Confederation in chaos, they had worried many of their friends and family might not be able to make it, but if the ceremony was right on their home planet there really weren't any good reasons not to have it right there.

  On the bridge of the ship, Captain Sirian Elco sat in his chair, drink in hand, staring out of the forward display screen, which happened to be showing a view of the planet below. He was a bit lost in thought, he had to admit. He'd originally come up to the ship after the wedding reception to catch up on some of the administrative paperwork he'd complained good-naturedly about during the ceremony, but despite his best efforts couldn't concentrate on it. Instead, he'd poured himself a drink and found his chair on the bridge. The crew was all on leave, and even the yard techs were scarce since it was late at night and many of the ship's systems were in standby while the final connections were made to the newly-installed laser batteries.